I have returned from being in VA, visiting with my oldest daughter, Tara and youngest daughter, Christina, Jacob and their newest addition to their family. What a sweet little fellow he is. He has his Aunt Tara so close at hand to help the "new mommy and daddy" survive the new role of parent-hood. Tara is so cool, calm and collected, that Elijah can feel it when she is holding him as well. Tara does a great job with him =:)!!Christina has had her sister, Jennifer, there taking lots of pictures of the baby and parents and got some really GREAT shots. Margaret, Chrissy's step-mom, there to help her out for about 10 days and that was WONDERFUL on her part to give up a lot of her time to come and help as well. I am sure that Elijah loved seeing his Grandma Margaret too. Thank you all for being a part of my family.
Monday, March 15, 2010
I have returned from being in VA, visiting with my oldest daughter, Tara and youngest daughter, Christina, Jacob and their newest addition to their family. What a sweet little fellow he is. He has his Aunt Tara so close at hand to help the "new mommy and daddy" survive the new role of parent-hood. Tara is so cool, calm and collected, that Elijah can feel it when she is holding him as well. Tara does a great job with him =:)!!Christina has had her sister, Jennifer, there taking lots of pictures of the baby and parents and got some really GREAT shots. Margaret, Chrissy's step-mom, there to help her out for about 10 days and that was WONDERFUL on her part to give up a lot of her time to come and help as well. I am sure that Elijah loved seeing his Grandma Margaret too. Thank you all for being a part of my family.
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What a beautiful new baby, and I just LOVE his name!! I am sooo glad that you feel comfortable enough to give out my blog, I would LOVE to help others along the way, because we are all in this together!
So, are you a nurse now???
p.s. what a beautiful family you have!!! Love you all!!
We are glad you were able to come and also glad that Tara is so close and willing to help. We think Elijah knows his Mommy and Daddy too and that we are adjusting well to parenthood!!! After all we have made it past three weeks! Love Ya
Oh my Dear Children: I was not trying to indicate that you were not adjusting to parenthood. You are GREAT parents and I told you that before I left on Saturday. If you need help then we are close by. Love you too!=:)
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