Monday, April 9, 2012

Cruise 2011 with Quinta and Frank

Mark and I had the pleasure of being able to go a cruise with my sister Quinta and her husband Frank. It was a BLAST. They have never cruised before and so it was fun to watch and see their reactions to so many different things that were taking place. I am a total nut when it comes to military items. Mark and I thought that this was a statue of a military man, in Mexico, and we wanted a picture in front of this statue. While we were standing there, Quinta took the picture. This statue MOVED. I screamed and yelped and jumped totally off the ground. I thought I was going to soil myself. It scared me that bad. I was the laugh for the day, but this soldier let us take yet another picture and he was a good sport. A beautiful end to a beautiful day with this sunset off of our room on the cruise. Thanks Q2 and Frank for going with us. XOXOXOXO

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